Offer flexible rewards for both onchain and offchain activities, including transactions, community engagement, and more. Tailor incentives to suit your project's unique needs and encourage meaningful interactions across all user touchpoints.
Set up any smart contract function or event as a conversion event through Fuul Incentives Manager. You can even go one step further and filter out transactions by certain parameters passed on the transactions.
Incentivize users to deposit liquidity and reward them periodically for holding their liquidity.
Reward users for exchanging one token for another on your platform.
Encourage users to mint in-game assets, NFTs, or any other type of token.
Incentivize users to stake tokens and reward them periodically for their value staked.
Encourage long-term loyalty by rewarding users for holding your token.
Reward users based on any metric or stat accessible on a subgraph.
Many actions relevant to your project’s growth can still happen offchain.
Simply use the Fuul API or a CSV file to feed these events into Fuul.
Effortlessly inject event data from a CSV file to reward users for any type of activities
Integrate your own backend or 3rd party softwares with Fuul, allowing for full control over which actions you choose to reward.